Saturday, April 9, 2011

Back from a Brief Hiatus...

I've been so blog lazy lately. I haven't completely forgotten about my blog. I'm just so tired at the end of the night that I can't bring myself to even log in. I need to do this, though. I'm determined to "count my blessings" every day. Here goes.

I spent more than the first half of the day hanging out in bed with my baby. We played, and we slept. I read a little and watched some TV. It was relaxing. Later we went to Walmart where we made the decision to buy our six oldest kids each a netbook. No, we don't have money to just throw around; and we don't make a habit of making big purchases like this for our kids. We decided to use some of our tax return to buy them a very early Christmas gift. Every year a Christmastime I go way overboard. I work extra hours and stress over finding things they'll like. I always end up buying them way too much, and they never end up using at least half of what I buy them. This year will be different. They'll have their own little laptops many, many months in advance. Other than that, they'll probably just get some clothes or a few other small things they NEED not WANT. I like this idea. So, yes, in a sense, they're still having a "big" Christmas; but after this year I really do plan to scale back quite a bit. I can see now I've "ruined" Christmas buy basically teaching them to expect a huge amount of gifts under the tree. I spend the entire season stressing over making Christmas big. By the end of Christmas day, without fail I ALWAYS feel let down. I can't do it anymore. It's time to change how this family celebrates Christmas. Even though they got a big gift early, there will be far fewer gifts under the tree this year. I'm looking forward to it.

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