Monday, March 21, 2011

My Thoughts on Tithing

To be honest, I don't know for sure whether Christians are "required" to tithe. In a sense, it doesn't matter to me. I still do it. I don't do it in the way most do, though. I give my tithe to organizations that feed the hungry and help those less fortunate, specifically in third-world countries. I know most would say I should be tithing to my church, but I just don't feel comfortable doing that because I know the full 10% won't go to helping people who really need it. Face it. Churches have bills to pay and a pastor that receives a salary out of our tithes. To me, church bills and the pastor's salary should come out of offerings. The first 10% should go to doing the Lord's work, and He wants us helping those who have less than we do. He wants us helping the helpless, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and helping the sick to receive medical care. Just imagine how much of this would be accomplished if every Christian tithed their money to a Christian organization whose purpose was to provide these services first and foremost. The whole world would change! It would be a much better place. I know 10% is a lot to some people; it is to me. I've decided, though, to trust that God would provide all of our needs after that 10% is gone. He hasn't let me down.

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